Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Week of Thanksgiving - Day #3 - My Health

Just because one day isn't enough to talk about all of the things that I'm grateful for: Week of Thanksgiving: Day #3 - For the past 5 years, my health has been a roller coaster of good and bad. It all started when, right before I was supposed to leave on a trip with my youth group, I passed out four different times and ended up having to lay on a couch rather than go on the trip. It seems like since then, it has been one thing after another - test after test after test. After that first episode of passing out, I had 3 more episodes in the same manner over the next two years. Then, I started having extreme migraine attacks periodically. Dizziness, numbness all over my body, vomiting - the whole nine yards. Then, in 2013, I started having random symptoms like extreme heart burn almost every day, anxiety attacks, heart palpitation episodes that would occur every night for hours - causing me to lose sleep and replace it with anxiety attacks, weight gain, random dizziness and nausea, and so on. I was at a loss for what was happening to my body. I went to my thyroid doctor after suffering from all of these symptoms for months, and I found out that the one side of my thyroid that I had left (right side was removed when I was 13) had a large nodule on it - possibly cancerous. He told me that surgery to remove the other half of my thyroid was unavoidable while also mentioning that it could damage my vocal chords and give me a calcium deficiency. After dropping the bad news, he performed a very painful biopsy, then referred me to a specialist. Once at the specialist, I also found out that I am pre-diabetic. You might be thinking, "Ummm...I thought this post was supposed to be about what you're THANKFUL for? Not what you're suffering from?" And you're right. But this is what I'm thankful for. I am thankful for how far I have come since my health issues worsened in 2013. I'm thankful that my biopsy results came back negative for cancer! I'm thankful that it has been a year since the declaration of "necessary surgery" and I haven't had one knife put to my neck! I'm thankful that I haven't had a fainting spell in over 2 and a half years. I'm thankful that my migraines, although they still come every once in a while, are less frequent than when they began. I'm thankful that God is helping me work with my high blood sugar instead of having to be on medicine for the rest of my life. I'm thankful that I no longer have heart palpitation spells keeping me up at night. I'm thankful that my random dizzy spells only happen every once and a while. I'm thankful that the words "anxiety attack" no longer plague me. But most of all, I'm thankful that it happened. You might call me crazy, but I'm thankful that all of these sicknesses came upon me. Why? Because God has revealed so many things to me during these times. If I never had a problem, I wouldn't know that God could solve them. Yes, I still have high blood sugar. Yes, I still have days where I just want to stay at home and cry because I don't feel like I have the strength to deal with the tiredness and the dizzy spells. BUT GOD IS IN CONTROL. He has all the answers when the doctors have none. So, on this third day of my Thanksgiving week, I am thankful for my health - every last bit of it. God is good, all the time. And all the time, God is good.

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