Monday, October 13, 2014

Over and Over and Over Again.

My sweet friend sent me this verse this morning, and it couldn't be more on-spot for what I needed to hear: Psalm 103:8-9 ~ "The Lord is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." [HOWEVER] "He will not always chide: neither will He keep His anger for ever." God is such a MERCIFUL and gracious God. As a loving father is with his children, he is so patient with us as we "grow up" in Him. We make a mistake - He lovingly draws us back to Him with open arms. Just as an earthly father sometimes has to discipline his children in order to save them from making the mistake again, our Heavenly Father sometimes disciplines us to show us the consequences of doing things that he clearly told us to stay away from. But in the end, He never turns His back on us. Once we have been disciplined, and he shows us where we went wrong, He is just waiting for us to return to Him to make it right. Over. And over. And over again. He is plenteous in his mercy and in his second, third, tenth, and fiftieth chances. However, just as there comes a point in time where an earthly father has to just turn over his child if he or she refuses to listen to his instruction, God must do the same with us. Sometimes we just never learn. Being plenteous in mercy does NOT equal being a doormat. God will NOT be our doormat. Someone that we take advantage of again and again. How would YOU feel if your best friend betrayed you, felt sorry about it and asked for forgiveness, so you forgave them. Except, after you forgave them, they continued to betray you over. And over. And over again. None of us would put up with it. We wouldn't count them worthy of our friendship. Thankfully, God's not like us. He gives us chance after chance after chance. But even God does not allow Himself to become a doormat. He will not always chide with us. The word "chide" means to strive (to exert oneself vigorously as in opposition or resistance, to try hard) or to contend (to strive in rivalry, to compete). God FIGHTS for us. Every second. Every minute. Every day. He CHIDES. Exerts Himself vigorously in resistance against the enemy on our behalf. But we are not exempt from striving ourselves. God will not continue to chide, or COMPETE with the other idols in our lives. He loves us more than anything we could ever imagine. For real. No cliché. But He is a jealous God. Just as a jealous husband will not stick around if his wife refuses to give up the other men in her life, God will not just allow us to have other "men" in our lives and still pour out his mercy upon us every day. Let go of your idols before it is too late. God works with us. Over. And Over. And over again. But He will not allow His mercy to continuously be poured out on those who take it for granted and play games with it. God, help us to realize the true essence of your mercy. Not to take it for granted. Not to use it as an "Out of Jail Free" card for continuing in sinful living. Help us to appreciate Your patience when we make a mistake, not expect Your mercy when we CHOOSE to sin.

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